
Rick Eckel launches his AvA. A RES (Rudder, Elevator, Spoiler) thermal duration contest design.

Rick Eckel launches his AvA. A RES (Rudder, Elevator, Spoiler) thermal duration contest design.

Good day and welcome to the Orlando Buzzards Radio Control Soaring Society. We are a group of Central Florida enthusiasts who derive enjoyment from the building and flying of model aircraft. The objective of the club is participation in competition and sport flying. Sport flyers make up the majority of the club. Members build and fly gliders and powered airplanes of all sizes – ranging from as small as 24 inch wingspan to some over 16 feet across. Some models take off the ground, are hand launched while others are launched with an elastic bungee. A fast growing segment of our sport also utilizes an electric driven prop to launch the glider to altitude.

The Orlando Buzzards are members of the Florida Soaring Society (FSS) and supports the principles and goals of the League of Silent Flight (LSF). FSS is a statewide organization with a current membership of four participating soaring clubs who sponsor weekend contests throughout the year. Participation in the FSS contest lets interested pilots compete for trophies/medallions at each contest and for year end trophy awards. Contesting is an excellent way to improve soaring skills rapidly.

The League of Silent Flight is an organization that promotes a series of soaring tasks for personal accomplishment by new and experienced pilots. As tasks are completed in a series of five levels, pilots are awarded certificates of achievement. LSF Level V pilots are few but those who have reached this level have demonstrated an unusually thorough mastery of sailplane piloting skills.

Most flying activity is at the club’s home field on Saturdays between 10 am and 3 pm, however members are entitled to field access at any time the field is open.

The Xplorer (a molded carbon fiber Unlimited aircraft) comes in for a landing.

The Xplorer (a molded carbon fiber Unlimited aircraft) comes in for a landing.

The club holds monthly meetings usually held on the first Saturday of the month at the home field. Guests are welcome to attend the meetings. From time to time, the date and/or time of a club meeting may be changed. Information about the next meeting is usually emailed to club members.

The Buzzards host a few FSS contests each year as well as the premier Tangerine Soaring Championship. Details of each of these events and their dates can be found on the Contest Schedule. These contests raise much of the money the club requires for equipment and maintenance.

Jamie Buckland sends his Icon on her way.

Jamie Buckland sends his Icon on her way.

Ed White with his contest winning Gentle Lady

Ed White with his contest winning Gentle Lady

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